Emploi Tunisie » Offres d'emploi à Gammarth » Record Label Administrator / Artist Manager Assistant

Record Label Administrator / Artist Manager Assistant

  • Unbelievably Spectacular
  • 11 Rue Des Vergers de ferdaous
  • Il'y a 1 mois
Postes vacants:
1 poste ouvert
Type d'emploi désiré :
Temps plein
Experience :
Niveau d'étude :
Licence, Bac + 3
Rémunération proposée :
Plus 3000 DT
Langue :
Genre :

Description de l'emploi


Company: EELF Records & Unbelievably Spectacular

Label Administrator / Manager Assistant

EELF Records and Unbelievably Spectacular are two music companies that are intertwined and growing and looking to bring on an additional team member. We are looking for an energetic, enthusiastic and passionate emerging music industry professional to join the team for a full time position. 


EELF Records is a new record label founded in 2024. Prior to this it has operated since 2017 as a quickly growing Youtube Channel specializing initially in the lofi house sound. It has been responsible for creating careers and worldwide recognition for many of the artists it's featured. Despite being deleted in 2020 with 180k subscribers it has since been relaunched and continues to grow rapidly from 70k now. The Youtube channel launched a record label in 2024 with a debut EP in July of 2024 by one of it's top artists DJ Houseplants that has since gone on to great acclaim. The label followed this up with another 3 EPs also venturing into live events with the debut “EELF Presents” tour with 20 shows in 15 countries across South & North America, Europe and to over 8000 fans that has sold out in major markets like London, Paris, Toronto, New York, Mexico City and more. 2025 is gearing up to be an even bigger ambitious year. 

Unbelievably Spectacular is an artist management company and label also founded in 2017 that has helped launch careers for artists such as Peach Pit, dj poolboi, Post Modern Connection, Shaolin Cowboy, sunflwr and more. The company has overseen over 100 releases since founding that have been streamed more than half a billion times to date.  

After a long running collaborative relationship with the EELF Youtube channel the two companies teamed up to form EELF Records in 2024.

Job Duties Include:

Label Administration

Overseeing all releases with both labels

Liasoning with the label's distributor and overseeing all releases with them 

Liaison with artists for all releases 

Creating release plans and overseeing scheduling. 

Assisting with creating marketing plans and executing them

Overseeing social media posts for the labels and management company and creating and 

Implementing growth and engagement oriented strategies. 

Artist Manager Assistance 

Help in all areas of artist management 

Ensuring venues, sound techs and promoters are equipped with the correct show schedule and music gear and technical requirements for all shows and events 

Assistance sourcing rental gear, photographers, videographers and event staff when needed

Registering artists + songs with global rights organizations to ensure proper royalties collection

Researching venues and promoters in global markets and contacting them to pitch the label + management roster's artists for soliciting live shows and tours

Finding suitable venues in global markets to rent to host live events.  

Marketing and promotion of events 


  • Fluency in English in reading, writing and speaking is required. 

  • A prior background in professional music work or related academic experience is strongly preferred but all candidates will be considered.

  • This position requires the employee to have access to their own laptop ideally

  • This position is for a 40 hour per week full time job based out of an office in Gammarth Superior and requiring daily commuting.  

  • A background in creative writing, Photoshop or video editing is an asset


  • To be discussed and negotiated based around previous experience

If interested please email a summary and brief cover letter to [email protected] 

Exigences de l'emploi

  • Fluency in English in reading, writing and speaking is required. 

  • A prior background in professional music work or related academic experience is strongly preferred but all candidates will be considered.

  • This position requires the employee to have access to their own laptop ideally

  • This position is for a 40 hour per week full time job based out of an office in Gammarth Superior and requiring daily commuting.  

  • A background in creative writing, Photoshop or video editing is an asset

Date d'expiration


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