Water Manager

  • La joie de Hicha
  • Hicha, Oudhref Gabes
  • Il'y a 4 semaines
candidats pour
1 poste ouvert
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Postes vacants:
1 poste ouvert
Type d'emploi désiré :
Experience :
1 à 3 ans
Niveau d'étude :
Licence, Bac + 3
Rémunération proposée :
Entre 1000 DT et 1500 DT
Langue :
Genre :

Description de l'emploi

The Water Manager plans, organizes and directs all operations and maintenance functions, and is responsible for the administrative requirements of the water team.

The job holder ensures the smooth operation of the water installation, maintenance and repair of all water system systems. S/he assigns, reviews, evaluates and plans all operations.

Responsibilities include:

  • Establish work priorities, assigns work and manages all operations work performance focusing on efficiency, work quality, cost, schedule and related service
  • Coordinate and communicate operations activities with the technical manager on the appropriate schedule
  • Evaluate maintenance needs and problems; identify materials and resources required to solve problems
  • Develop and manage a preventative maintenance program for the water and waste water systems.
  • Provide quality control/quality assurance for water system operation.
  • Ensure adequate water supply and delivery of water meeting all quality standards
  • Ensures scheduled maintenance and calibrations of all water treatment equipment is completed on the appropriate schedule
  • Researches new operational methods, techniques, and equipment and recommends their application; submits requisitions for necessary tools,
  • Ensures that all system emergencies are addressed in a timely manner and causes are determined and remedial plans developed


Exigences de l'emploi


  • Diploma in water,hydraulic,maintenance
  • Strong knowledge of methods and techniques of water distribution operating systems
  • Experience up to 3 years
  • Stress resistant
  • Attentive to details
  • Strong and clear communication
  • Leadership skills
  • Result-driven

Date d'expiration


Offres d'emploi les plus recherchées

ANONYME - Zaghouan, Tunisie
MayorLink -Avenu Mohamed 5 Centre Ville Tunis
ANONYME - Tunis, Tunisie
ANONYME - Beja, Tunisie
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