Emploi Tunisie » Offres d'emploi à Beni Khalled » Help Desk Technician

Help Desk Technician

  • Bir Drassen Beni Khalled Nabeul
  • Il'y a 4 semaines
Plus de
candidats pour
1 post ouvert
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Postes vacants:
1 poste ouvert
Type d'emploi désiré :
Experience :
1 à 3 ans
Niveau d'étude :
Licence, Bac + 3
Langue :
Français, Anglais

Description de l'emploi

Job responsibilities:

*Installation/Administration of hardware component (computers, Printers, Scanner, Access Point,…)

*Administration of servers and clients in a Microsoft windows environment

*Installations of servers and clients/trouble shooting

*Management of data and folder structures in the network processing of access privileges to network resources

*Help desk and support for hardware and software (1stan 2ndlevel support)

*Monitoring the backup and the data backup network administration within the site

*Monitoring antivirus software

*Ensure security of data network access and backup system.

*Act in alignment with user needs and system functionality to contribute to organization

*Protect the company's systems from outside attacks from networks and viruses

*Train employees to use software and hardware; troubleshoot issues and provide technical support when needed



Exigences de l'emploi

*Diploma in Computer science

* Experience with windows server incl. Client Management, client Support (Troubleshooting) and network Topology (TCP/IP) Experience in system administration in the Microsoft environment (windows 10, windows server 2012R2, 2016, 2019 and 2022, Hyper-V, VMWare, active Directory)

* Expertise in implementing, configuring, and testing IT solutions

*Development experience is prefererred

* Strong creative and analytical thinking


*Team Player

*Good in English and French

Date d'expiration
