Finance Controller

  • CED
  • Tunis, Tunisie
  • Il'y a 4 semaines
1 poste ouvert
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Postes vacants:
1 poste ouvert
Type d'emploi désiré :
CDI, Temps plein
Experience :
5 à 10 ans
Niveau d'étude :
Licence, Bac + 3
Rémunération proposée :
Langue :
Français, Anglais
Genre :

Description de l'emploi

About Us:

CED Group is an European service provider for many insurers, property managers, corporates and governments. Its business consists on protecting and restoring value for the citizens all over 14 European countries. 2000+ employees and experts are serving our customers all over Europe. CED Tunisia is a subsidiary of CED Group. It consists of an IT-BI Development center and a Businees Process Operations (BPO) team to support our various European offices and drive operational excellence. We employ 260 professionals as of now and going to recruit a Finance Controller to undertake the monitoring of CED Tunisia 's financial control and assist in some key financial processes for CED Bulgaria.

Main Tasks

Financial management Tunis

  • Carry out the closing of the accounting year
  • Assist in the preparation of financing files
  • Prepare the monthly intercompany invoices of CED Tunisia by client (other CED entities)
  • Ensure the preparation of monthly reports
  • Participate in the development of the budget and ensure follow-up with the group management control
  • Monitor cash flow (control cash flow, inform the financial department of available and projected resources)
  • Ensure the interface with external partners (chartered accountant, auditor, bank, insurance, etc.)
  • Participate in the implementation of management control procedures with group management control
  • Supervise the monitoring and archiving of invoices and accounting documents and the production of accounting documents
  • Ensure compliance with expenditure execution procedures

Financial management Bulgaria

  • Prepare the monthly intercompany invoices of CED Bulgaria by client (other CED entities)
  • Monitor cash flow (control cash flow, inform the financial department of available and projected resources)
  • Assist in the preparation of month end closing

Exigences de l'emploi


  • University degree in Finance/Audit & Management Control
  • Experience of at least 3 years including 2 years in as a financial controller or in a audit company
  • Rigorous with a strong ability to work under tight deadlines and on multiple tasks
  • Good managerial skills strong problem-solving skills and analytical abilities
  • Fluency in English (written and spoken)
  • Mastery of the Office Pack (especially Excel) with an ability to summarize and prepare reports and presentations
  • Willingness to travel once a year to the Netherlands (maximum a week)

Date d'expiration


A propos de CED
CED is a European service provider for many insurers, property managers, corporates and governments. Its business consists on protecting and restoring value for the citizens all over 14 European countries. 1500 employees and experts are serving our customers. Our...
Categories: Assurances

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